
Nicole is passionate about showing others how easy and fun intuitive communication can be. Although it is presented in a fun way, she demonstrates the practical and useful elements intuitive communication offers.

Nicole’s speaking style is light-hearted yet grounded and playful yet practical. Audiences leave her talks feeling empowered with new skills and knowledge while being entertained.

Featured speaker at:

all things authorpreneur podcast
virtual networkers
body mind soul
The rising sun
la leche league canada
body mind soul

Speaking Topics


Top 3 Ways to Receive Intuitive Guidance Without Meditation or Visiting a Psychic

You are receiving intuitive guidance on a daily basis. Nicole will walk you through 3 common ways you receive and how to identify the messages.


Metaphors Are Intuitive Messages. And Everything is a Metaphor!

Receiving guidance is as simple as asking a question and becoming aware of the response. The Universe responds via metaphors using the world around you. Learn how to identify these metaphors to understand your messages.

Clair(ity): How Understanding Your Clair Family Helps You Live in Ease and Flow

The “clairs” are the senses of the intuitive system. The clair family is the mode of receiving messages from the Universe. When you know how you receive, then you will become aware of the guidance being given to you daily.
intuitive speaker

Contact Nicole

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