The Book

Intuitive Languages

In Intuitive Languages, Nicole Meltzer trance channels the Tri Luminii, a collective of non-physical energies, to help you understand how you receive messages from the Universe. As you gain clarity and build your intuitive trust, Universal wisdom flows—and messages come continuously. What once felt like random non-relevant events transform into signposts of guidance along your life’s journey.

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Nicole is passionate about showing others how easy and fun intuitive communication can be. Always practical yet light-hearted, audiences leave her talks feeling empowered with new skills and knowledge while being entertained.

About Nicole

The story behind the author

Nicole Meltzer, founder of the transformative program Flow, has helped thousands of people tap into and trust their intuition through her international intuitive circles, programs, guided meditations and presentations. In her book, Intuitive Languages (collaboratively written with the Tri Luminii – a collective of energies she trance channels), Nicole and the Tri Luminii guide the reader through the process of building their unique intuitive language.


Living and working in FLOW

We believe a life well-lived combines the practical with the mystical. Our programs and services are designed with this in mind, with the most popular program being FLOW.
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